Peer Mentoring & Service User Involvement Group

Peer Mentoring

The Peer Mentoring course, running twice a year, focuses on using personal experience to support others. Building on their experiences, qualified mentors will offer peer-to-peer support to others in order to help improve their confidence and wellbeing. The college course is an Open College Network (OCN) Level 2 Peer Mentoring from Richmond and Hillcroft Adult College (RHACC).

Once college is complete, Peer Mentors have the opportunity to take on volunteering within SPEAR in order to gain practical peer mentoring experience.

Lara’s story

Lara was introduced to SPEAR after successfully completing a twelve-steps course in order to overcome addiction.

Service User Involvement Group

The Service User Involvement Group promotes client involvement in SPEAR’s services. Lived experience is key to designing compassionate services so, through this service, we ensure that our clients’ voices are heard and that they have the opportunity to feedback on our services.


Open to all SPEAR clients, this service also gives clients the chance to meet and facilitate conversation via meetings and regular outside activities such as visits to Kew Gardens, the Natural History Museum, local fairs, and much more.

These activities ensure that clients have the opportunity to communicate both with each other and with SPEAR workers.