Igor’s story

Our Outreach team have been supporting Igor, aged 33, who was found sleeping rough in Richmond.
Daniella’s story

At only 22, Daniella was approached by our Outreach team while sleeping rough. She had been sofa surfing during her last year at university, where she studied English literature. After joining SPEAR’s peer mentoring programme, the Springboard project supported Daniella to take a Level 3 Education and Training course. She now works for a charity as a career specialist to support young people who have been through the care system to receive training and employment and rents her own flat.
Ashley’s story

Ashley first experienced homelessness at the young age of 16 due to a family breakdown before finding work with accommodation. Just over 18, he lost his job and was pushed into homelessness again. He spent a few months sofa surfing before having to sleep rough.
Andy’s story

Andy experienced homelessness when, under complex circumstances, he could not access his home or tools. After losing everything and several months on the streets, Andy’s mental health worsened. After coming into contact with SPEAR, Andy was assigned a case worker who supported him to find accommodation and get involved with the local community.
Krzysztof’s story

Krzysztof was found sleeping rough by our Richmond Outreach team in 2021. He experienced street homelessness due to a relationship breakdown. In July 2021, Krzysztof, as part of the Housing First scheme, signed into a ten-year tenancy for a flat of his own.
A few months later, in 2022, Krzysztof was supported to pursue his interests including an English language course.
Nova’s Story

Nova is a young person who we saw blossom after a very difficult start. Nova became homeless at just 18 years old, she slept on friend’s floors for a couple of years, before having no choice but to sleep on the streets for a couple of months.
Rob, Rough Sleeper Navigator

Rob is a Rough Sleeper Navigator, working with clients who may have complex needs or are particularly entrenched in the street homeless lifestyle.
Rebecca, Outreach Worker

Rebecca joined Richmond’s Rough Sleeper Outreach team earlier this Summer. She explains what she has gained from her role and how everybody’s story is unique.
Jordan’s story

Jordan, 49, was forced into homelessness after his mental health issues became too hard to deal with. With no one to turn to, Jordan ended up sleeping rough for half a year.
Lara’s story

Lara was introduced to SPEAR after successfully completing a twelve-steps course in order to overcome addiction.